Tutorials ========== This page provides an overview of tutorials to get started with LIgO. All tutorials assume you have LIgO already installed. For details on how to do that, see :ref:`Installing LIgO`. Each LIgO simulation begins with defining immune signals and immune events. To learn how to construct immune signals and events in the YAML specification file, see this tutorial: - :ref:`How to define immune signals and immune events` When immune events and immune signals are defined, the user should choose between two simulation strategies — rejection sampling or signal implantation. Also we recommend users to assess feasibility of defined simulation parameters before running the main simulation. See the tutorials below: - :ref:`How to choose between rejection sampling and signal implantation` - :ref:`How to check feasibility of the simulation parameters` - :ref:`How to handle the maximum iterations were reached error` These tutorials cover the more complex usage of LIgO simulations. For basic usage of LIgO simulation see :ref:`Quickstart` tutorials. - :ref:`How to simulate co-occuring immune signals` - :ref:`Paired chain simulations in LIgO` - :ref:`Simulation with custom signal functions` List of all tutorials ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 tutorials/how_to_define_immune_signals_and_events tutorials/how_to_choose_simulation_strategy tutorials/how_to_check_feasibility_of_sim_params tutorials/how_to_handle_the_maximum_iterations_were_reached_error tutorials/simulation_with_custom_signal_functions tutorials/how_to_simulate_paired_chain_data tutorials/how_to_simulate_co-occuring_signals