Simulation with custom signal functions ========================================== In LIgO, signals are most often defined using (gapped) k-mers or positional weight matrices. However, as this way of defining signals can be limiting to a certain degree, LIgO also allows users to have more generic definition of a signal. Signals can be specified using a **custom function** that takes a receptor sequence as input and outputs True/False depending on whether the sequence satisfy some custom criteria from that function. In this tutorial, we provide a simple example of what such functions might look like and how to specify the simulation using signals with custom function. We assume that LIgO is already installed. .. note:: This way of defining signals can only be used in combination with rejection sampling. Step 1: Defining the custom signal function --------------------------------------------- The custom signal function is defined in a separate Python file. The function will always get the following arguments: - amino acid sequence (sequence_aa) - nucleotide sequence (sequence) - V gene (v_call) - J gene (j_call) The output of the function should always be a single value, either True or False. As the first step of the tutorial, save the following code to the file .. code-block:: python def is_present(sequence_aa: str, sequence: str, v_call: str, j_call: str) -> bool: return any(aa in sequence_aa for aa in ['A', 'T']) and len(sequence_aa) > 12 In this case, we assume that the sequence contains signal if it contains `A` or `T` and is longer than 12 amino acids. In principle, any logic could be implemented inside this function. Step 2: Define the YAML specification ----------------------------------------- The YAML specification fully defines the simulation to be performed. Save the following specification to specs.yaml in the same folder as Signal definition here (for signal1) consists of two parameters: - is_present_func: stating the name of the function to use from the provided python file to assess if the signal is present, - source_file: stating the path to the python file where the custom function is located. The rest of the simulation is defined in the same way as when k-mers or PWMs are used. .. code-block:: yaml definitions: signals: signal1: # signal with the custom signal function is_present_func: is_present source_file: simulations: sim1: is_repertoire: true paired: false sequence_type: amino_acid sim_items: sim_item1: generative_model: # use OLGA humanTRB model to generate sequence default_model_name: humanTRB type: OLGA number_of_examples: 10 # generate 10 repertoires receptors_in_repertoire_count: 6 # each repertoire should have 6 receptor sequences seed: 100 # random seed for sequence generation to ensure reproducibility signals: # which signals should be in the simulated repertoires signal1: 0.5 # 50% of receptor sequences should have signal1 and the rest should have no signal simulation_strategy: RejectionSampling # use rejection sampling to filter out sequences based on signal presence/absence instructions: inst1: export_p_gens: false # do not compute p gens for generated sequences max_iterations: 100 number_of_processes: 1 sequence_batch_size: 100 simulation: sim1 type: LigoSim output: format: HTML Step 3: Running the simulation ---------------------------------- When the two files mentioned above are saved, run the following: .. code-block:: console ligo specs.yaml simulation_output The simulation for this specification should only take a few seconds and all results will be stored in the `simulation_output` folder.