Overview of LIgO simulation parameters

This page provides an overview of LIgO simulation parameters and their potential biological reflection. Refers to Supplementary Table 2 in the LIgO manuscript.

Generative models for simulation of background AIRs

Link to documentation:

Simulation parameter(s)

Potential biological reflection

ExperimentalImport provides import of existing experimental data of one of the following data formats: AIRR, Generic, IGoR, IReceptor, ImmuneML, ImmunoSEQRearrangement, ImmunoSEQSample, MiXCR, OLGA, SingleLineReceptor, TenxGenomics, VDJdb

These parameters relate biologically to germline gene usage differences across individuals as previously shown by us and others (Glanville et al. 2011; Slabodkin et al. 2021).

OLGA provides simulation of synthetic AIRs using a V(D)J recombination model, including a user-defined custom model

Same as above

Motif definition

Links to documentation:

Simulation parameter(s)

Potential biological reflection

SeedMotif describes a motif using a (i) seed (the initial k-mer) and (ii) allowed deviations from the seed. The allowed deviations can be described with allowed gap length (min_gap, max_gap), distribution of number of allowed mismatches to the seed (hamming_distance_probabilities), distribution of mismatches across the seed positions (position_weights), and substitution probabilities for nucleotides or amino acid (alphabet_weights).

Can be used to describe antigen-binding motifs, which are present in signal-specfic AIRs as was previously observed by us and others (Akbar et al. 2021; Shrock et al. 2023; Ostmeyer et al. 2019; Shugay et al. 2018; Goncharov et al. 2022; Chronister et al. 2021)

PWM — motif described in a form of a positional weight matrix

Same as above

Signal definition

Link to documentation:

Simulation parameter(s)

Potential biological reflection

Motifs — several motifs within an immune signal

Relates to motifs co-occurrence within the same AIR (2 motifs max), since immune signals may comprise multiple co-occurring motifs within the same AIR (Akbar et al. 2021; Glanville et al. 2017; Dash et al. 2017)

Sequence_position_weights describes signal distribution across CDR3 IMGT positions

Helps preserve the conservative start and end of CDR3, and controls a motif predominance in a specific location within CDR3

V_call, J_call restrict the V or J gene (allele) in the immune signal

Relates to previous observations that some signal-specific AIRs are associated with a specific germline gene alleles (Feeney et al. 1996; Avnir et al. 2016; Liu and Lucas 2003; Imkeller et al. 2018; Fagiani, Catanzaro, and Lanni 2020)

Clonal_frequency describes clonal frequency distribution, can be defined separately for each group of immune signals

Relates to previous observation by us and others that clonal frequency distributions may change across immune statuses (Greiff et al. 2015; Chiffelle et al. 2020).

Custom signal function (source_file, is_present_func) — any user-defined function which takes as arguments motifs, v_call, j_call, and sequence_position_weights

Helps to define any custom immune signal

Parameters of the simulation

Link to documentation:

Simulation parameter(s)

Potential biological reflection

Is_repertoire defines receptor or repertoire level of simulation

Relates to different types of available AIRR data

Paired defines how to pair the output data

Relates to different types of available AIRR data

Sequence_type — defines the nucleotide or amino acid type of simulated AIRs

Relates to different types of available AIRR data

Species — human (default) or mouse

Relates to different types of available AIRR data

Keep_p_gen_dist implements importance sampling, i.e., subsample signal-specific AIRs with respect to pgen distribution of background AIRs

Relates to previous observations by us and other that found marked differences in pgen and clonal frequency which may relate to immune signal (Kanduri et al. 2023; Pogorelyy et al. 2019)

Remove_seqs_with_signals filters signal-specific AIRs from the background if True

Helps to control the exact number of signal-specific receptors within a set of AIRs (if True) or make simulated data more complex (if False)


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  • Shugay, Mikhail, Dmitriy V. Bagaev, Ivan V. Zvyagin, Renske M. Vroomans, Jeremy Chase Crawford, Garry Dolton, Ekaterina A. Komech, et al. 2018. “VDJdb: A Curated Database of T-Cell Receptor Sequences with Known Antigen Specificity.” Nucleic Acids Research 46 (D1): D419–27.

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